Saturday, 30 June 2012

Going off-List

Call me a rouge felt-er. My daughter was playing with Leslie the pink Leopard, and asked me to make a pair of ballet slippers for her. Whipped these out in about 5 minutes (considering they'll probably be lost before tomorrow, I didn't want to spend a ton of time making the perfect miniature ballet slippers).

Not my best work, but quick and cute, and they make my munchkin happy.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Popsicle Time!

 I'm learning that when it comes to eyeballing patterns for these felt toys, that it really helps to be a spatial thinker. You really have to be able to look at a shape from a picture, and be able to see what every dimension of it would be piece by piece. Going from a picture of a 3D object, to 2D pieces, and back to a real 3D object can be tricky. Thankfully, I've always been good at spatial visualization. You'd think I would have been better at Geometry. (Contrary to what my math teachers always told me, I have never needed to use algebra or any more advanced maths since I left school...which is good, since my math skills are roughly that of a 10 year old.)

Yesterday I made the cherry and orange popsicles from the Ice-Cream Shoppe set. As I was making them, members of the peanut-gallery asked if I was making a shoe, a boat, a purse, etc...but in the end they finished up looking like popsicles. 

I worked at a leisurely pace - stopping for various activities with my munchkin, making lunch, going to the park. Even so it only took me about half a day to make these. I'd say about 2 hours work from start to finish, if I'd worked right through.

If I'd had any real popsicle sticks, I would sewn the felt handles around them for added stability. As it was, I didn't have any, and decided to do without. The cherry popsicle just has a felt handle, and unfortunately it came out very floppy. Not a huge deal though since my daughter just holds her hand around it, and it holds the popsicle upright. The orange popsicle has a stick from outside in the handle - not ideal since it's not flat, but it holds the popsicle up, no floppy-pop.

All in all, a cute addition to the Ice-Cream Shoppe set. The only things I have left for that set are a vanilla scoop, 2 cones, and some soft serve ice-cream. I also want to make a cute box to hold it in...maybe something that looks the cardboard cylinder containers that you get ice-cream from at the store...I think I'll do pink and white stripes for that. :)

Monday, 25 June 2012

Passing on the passion

Today I sat down to start crafting the cherry and orange popsicles (post on those to come!) and my daughter sat next to me and asked if she could watch. She's never shown that much interest in my felt projects, she prefers to just play with the finished product. After a few minutes of avidly watching me stitch, she asked if she could try.

Now, my first instinct was to say, "No, I'm sorry hunny, needles are too sharp." And then I realized, that was silly. If she's sitting right next to me, what's the worst that can happen? She might prick her finger, which is hardly the end of the world. I'm not condoning 4 year old children running rampant with sharp objects. Obviously, use your best judgment here. Don't let your child play with needles when you're not around. (Duh.)  But in a controlled, supervised environment, learning to stitch can be great for gaining dexterity in little fingers, and is a skill she can use for her entire life. Not to mention the bonding between mommy and munchkin as we sit and sew together. :)

Side note - our music of choice while sewing is opera. I LOVE that my 4 year old daughter loves opera. Her favourite seems to be Carmen...she always bounces in her seat and gets a big grin on her face when the overture comes on.

In her first attempt, I gave her a bit of green thread and a scrap of orange felt, which ended up covered in stitches and bunched in a ball. She said it looked like a pumpkin, and it sort of did. And to be fair, I really didn't give her any instruction, she just copied my movements. The second attempt, I gave her two scraps of red felt and some blue thread and said, "This time, try to stitch in a straight line." I did two simple running stitches to show her what I meant, and let her give it a try. This was the result. 

Now, I'm pretty pleased at that! And surprised - I honestly didn't think she would do nearly so well. At that point, she was ready to move on to her next project.

"Mommy, I want to make a pillow for Leslie!" (Leslie is a tiny pink leopard plushy, that I think came from a Happy Meal a few years ago...No idea where she she got the name.)  So, I got a small piece of pink felt for her, folded it in half, and told her to stitch around the edge. That's pretty much all I said to her, and this is what she came up with.

We stuffed it with a cotton ball
It was so great to watch her sewing. Such concentration...towards the end she was very aware of where the needle was coming through on the other side, and if she didn't like it, she'd pull it out and change the placement.

I'm so excited that my daughter has shown interest in crafting with me. It's a wonderful to spend the time together, and to see her learning and growing.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

New Blog = Motivation!

One thing about me that drives hubby nuts is that I tend to lack stick-to-it-ive-ness. (Yes, that's a real word.) I get really excited about a project, spend $$$ on supplies, work on my project for 1-2 days, and then get bored. Its a pretty big fault, and I'm working on fixing that about myself - that is, if I don't get bored and move on to something else ;)

For now at least though, having a shiny new blog has motivated me to actually work on my Felt Project . So! One more item, albeit a small one, crossed off the list! Today I made another component to the Ice-Cream Shoppe - the strawberry scoop. It was a lot quicker going this time than with the chocolate scoop. In fact, it only took me 15-20 minutes. I took a bunch of really terrible pictures so you can see the process. I apologize for the quality, it'll be another few weeks before I have a "real" camera. Right now I'm just using my webcam. It can take still photos, but man do they suck. Anyhoo...

It was beautiful out, so I decided to sit on the patio and sew.
A pale pink felt circle and ice-cream "drips"
Super-blurry running stitch...holy moly, that hurts my eyes. Sorry!
Looks like a shower cap!  Pull on the thread to tighten, stuff before pulling completely closed.
And now you have a pink ball.
Sew the ''drips'' to the bottom of the ball
It looked a little plain so I added irregular bits of red scrap felt. Et voila! Strawberry scoop with strawberry topping!
So that's that.

As I said in my last post, my felt supply is running low. I have 1 full sheet of red and 1 full sheet of orange, and pieces of red, pink, and brown left. I'm thinking I'll do the popsicles next. Cherry and Orange flavours!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

And sew it begins...

A few weeks ago I was inspired by tons of super-cute handmade felt toys that I found on Etsy. The problem was that the seller wanted $6 apiece for the patterns. Well that's not gonna happen! I figured I could probably make most of them myself just by eyeballing it and a little trial and error! So, I made myself a very ambitious list of projects that I wanted to make. Here it is...The Felt Project

I told you it was ambitious! Granted, I may only finish 1/4 of them - or less - but it definitely gives me something to strive for and keep busy with!

I decided to start towards the top of the list with the Ice Cream Shop set. I made one scoop of chocolate ice-cream, and I really liked the way it turned out. 

Mmm...chocolate sprinkles...
However, my plan was quickly derailed when I got to the waffle-cone. I stitched and un-stitched the darn thing 4 times, but I'm just not happy with the way the waffle pattern is turning out. I really need a sewing machine to do it the way I envision, but unfortunately I sold mine in preparation for the move. I know this is going to be an ongoing issue, so maybe I can sweet-talk Santa into bringing me a new sewing machine a few (six) months early. Doesn't do me any good at the moment though...I may just have to settle for less than perfect with the waffle cone.

I kind of lost my steam after the waffle-cone episode, and put my sewing basket away for a couple of weeks. Today I decided to move on and pick a different project, and this is what I made...

Background story time! Every year for Christmas, since hubby and I first started dating, it's been our tradition to get at least one new Christmas ornament. Usually something that has special meaning for that year. For instance, last year my daughter picked out a pretty pair of ballet slippers on a pink ribbon since it was her first year taking dance, and we've got another that's a little potted cactus plant covered in Christmas lights, that we got in Jerome on our honeymoon. I love unpacking our special ornaments every year when we dress the tree, and remembering all those happy times.

So this year, I thought, "What could be more momentous than our family moving to a new country?" The best way for me to recognize that, was with a red maple leaf. I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out! I started to stitch the word "Canada" on it with white thread, but then thought that was a bit obvious and ripped it out. Keep it simple, keep it sweet. I'm really looking forward to hanging it on the tree this year.

I have a very limited quantity of felt (in fact, only 3 full sheets left) and won't be able to get more until hubby('s wallet) arrives. I'll pick through my project list and see what I can do with the felt that I've got, but don't expect too many more felt-related posts for the next few weeks!