Saturday, 23 June 2012

And sew it begins...

A few weeks ago I was inspired by tons of super-cute handmade felt toys that I found on Etsy. The problem was that the seller wanted $6 apiece for the patterns. Well that's not gonna happen! I figured I could probably make most of them myself just by eyeballing it and a little trial and error! So, I made myself a very ambitious list of projects that I wanted to make. Here it is...The Felt Project

I told you it was ambitious! Granted, I may only finish 1/4 of them - or less - but it definitely gives me something to strive for and keep busy with!

I decided to start towards the top of the list with the Ice Cream Shop set. I made one scoop of chocolate ice-cream, and I really liked the way it turned out. 

Mmm...chocolate sprinkles...
However, my plan was quickly derailed when I got to the waffle-cone. I stitched and un-stitched the darn thing 4 times, but I'm just not happy with the way the waffle pattern is turning out. I really need a sewing machine to do it the way I envision, but unfortunately I sold mine in preparation for the move. I know this is going to be an ongoing issue, so maybe I can sweet-talk Santa into bringing me a new sewing machine a few (six) months early. Doesn't do me any good at the moment though...I may just have to settle for less than perfect with the waffle cone.

I kind of lost my steam after the waffle-cone episode, and put my sewing basket away for a couple of weeks. Today I decided to move on and pick a different project, and this is what I made...

Background story time! Every year for Christmas, since hubby and I first started dating, it's been our tradition to get at least one new Christmas ornament. Usually something that has special meaning for that year. For instance, last year my daughter picked out a pretty pair of ballet slippers on a pink ribbon since it was her first year taking dance, and we've got another that's a little potted cactus plant covered in Christmas lights, that we got in Jerome on our honeymoon. I love unpacking our special ornaments every year when we dress the tree, and remembering all those happy times.

So this year, I thought, "What could be more momentous than our family moving to a new country?" The best way for me to recognize that, was with a red maple leaf. I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out! I started to stitch the word "Canada" on it with white thread, but then thought that was a bit obvious and ripped it out. Keep it simple, keep it sweet. I'm really looking forward to hanging it on the tree this year.

I have a very limited quantity of felt (in fact, only 3 full sheets left) and won't be able to get more until hubby('s wallet) arrives. I'll pick through my project list and see what I can do with the felt that I've got, but don't expect too many more felt-related posts for the next few weeks!

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